Case Reports
The case reports represent a class of texts that offer the possibility of discussing and expressing events that can illustrate real problems and that are classically described in books. The most significant examples of case reports are those carried out in the branches of medicine, for example: the report of a patient who had a rare disease with some variant that is not classically described in the books, description of diseases that cannot be currently classified, report reactions to pharmacological or surgical treatments, among other situations. Despite this, it is also possible to publish classic cases, in which the clinical presentation, as well as the findings in laboratory and cabinet studies are as described in the literature.
Despite having the freedom to make your article as you see fit, we recommend using the following structure:
Case or Cases.
At the end of the discussion, you must add your conclusion, which should not be in a new section, so we suggest expressing it in a separate paragraph starting as "In conclusion, ...".
The maximum desired length of the main body of the case reports (not counting title, abstract, keywords, author data, text of tables and figures, or references) is 3,000 (three thousand) words. In the event that your article exceeds this limit, the impact, relevance and importance of the information for publication will be assessed.
It is recommended -but not required- to use a maximum of 30 references.
EVALUATION TYPE: Peer review, double-blind.
Once your article meets the general and specific requirements, you can send it to this journal to evaluate its publication. Shipments should be made to, please send the message with the following characteristics:
Subject: Full article title.
Message body: Indicate the type of item being shipped and the destination section (in this case the section is "Artículos Originales"); In addition, if you have special comments for editors or want editors to support you in giving an opinion or advice before submitting your article for peer review, please let them know (remember that Revista Cadena de Cerebros is a Journal-School).
Attached files:
REQUIRED: Complete article in editable Microsoft Word format (.doc).
REQUIRED: Collaboration letter.
If the authors are over 18 years of age, please send the letter of collaboration following the format of Annex A of the current Editorial Policies and Guidelines for Authors of this journal, which you can download in editable Microsoft Word format by clicking here. In addition, you can download an example of your filling in PDF format by clicking here.
If the authors are under 18 years of age, please send the letter of collaboration following the format of Annex D of the current Editorial Policies and Guidelines for Authors of this journal, which you can download in editable Microsoft Word format by clicking here. In addition, you can download an example of its filling in PDF format by clicking here.
In the event that your article has more than 6 authors, you need to attach an extra letter to the editor-in-chief of this journal explaining the type and percentage of collaboration that each author carried out in preparing their work. The editorial team reserves the right to decide which authors truly deserve authorship and which authors do not, this based on the statements made in this case, which must be sent signed by all authors of the article.
If you added material to your article (mainly figures or tables) that are not your property or that have been previously published in another medium, please also attach the authorization letters issued by the corresponding authority or author for the use of this material, and its publication in this journal.
If you still have questions regarding the submission of articles, contact the editorial team through the "Contact" tab of this website or directly to our email
Si aún tiene dudas respecto al envío de artículos, comuníquese con el equipo editorial a través de la pestaña "Contacto" de esta página web o directamente a nuestro correo electrónico